Saturday, August 27, 2011

The design of the next generation iPhone

generationphone: The design of the next generation iPhone that is iPhone 5, is still not confirmed to the public that how will it look like but it is quite interesting to know that one case manufacturing company has started manufacturing and selling hard shell cases for iPhone 5. These hard cases are manufactured on the basis of hypothetical design of the most wanted and awaited smart phone.
These hard covers for iPhone 5 with the courtesy of True Supplier are now available for purchase and have various funky and cool colors.  Each case costs $6.99. By having a look at the cases, one can easy understand that they have been made by looking at the leaked design of iPhone 5.
It is no doubt a very courageous step.

iPhone 5 Case

iPhone 5 Case
The manufacturing of these cases and now its availability proves that the Chinese case manufacturers are very certain and confident about the leaked design where as the smart phone’s design is still not definite even from reputable sources.  It makes one think that how they managed to have everything right. But for sure it will be a great loss and wastage of money as well as time if the genuine design of the smartphone and the cases made have even a minute difference. Because these cases have been made by keeping in mind the leaked and rumored design of iPhone 5.  They are surely taking a very huge risk at this point but if lady luck is with them and the phone fits in those cases, they surely will be heading the competition.

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